Angela Oliver-Burgess, PhD

Dr. Angela Oliver-Burgess is a senior humanitarian and development expert with more than 30 years of professional and international experience working in complex emergencies and post conflict contexts, including regions of Middle East, Central Asia, West and East Africa, Eastern Europe and Central America. She has successfully managed and implemented large-scale, complex donor programs in the areas of conflict mitigation, humanitarian response, governance, sustainable development, and women’s leadership and development. She has served as an expert in the areas of gender-based violence, gender equality, women’s empowerment, child and youth development, inter-religious collaboration, and conflict transformation with high-level government officials and civil society actors globally.

She has developed policy and programs addressing critical issues of gender mainstreaming, child protection, humanitarian response and community development. She has led inter-agency coordination efforts in humanitarian environments with key stakeholders. She has served as an editor and contributor to training manuals and resource materials in gender and peacebuilding and inter-religious cooperation. She has conducted performance and impact evaluation of development and humanitarian programs, including gender evaluations and audits. She has provided critical services to organizations including program development, resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, organizational development and project startup.

She has a diverse range of professional experience working with international organizations, including United States Agency for International Development (USAID), International Organization of Migration (IOM), AECOM International Development, World Conference of Religions and Peace, CHF International (now Global Communities), UNHCR, and the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).

Dr. Oliver-Burgess received her PhD in International Psychology at the Chicago School for Professional Psychology, with a concentration in Systems and Organization. She completed her research on gender-based violence. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Management at the School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont and a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.

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