Subject Matter Expertise
At GameChangers 360, our subject matter experts (SMEs) have a deep and nuanced understanding about:
- Gender Equality & Integration
- Women, Peace and Security (WPS)
- Sexual & Gender Based Violence (S/GBV)
- Women’s Rights
- Organizational Change
- Leadership
- Design Thinking
- Stabilization & Post-conflict Reconstruction
- Preventing/Combatting Violent Extremism (P/CVE)
- Civil-military Relations
- International Humanitarian Law
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
- Informal Justice
- Human Rights
Our Experts

Brenda Oppermann
Gender Diversity
Women & Security

Shannon Meehan
Gender-based Violence
Humanitarian Assistance

Denise Wales
Social Inclusion & Accountability

Angela Oliver-Burgess
Gender & Humanitarian Assistance

Ellen Haring
Women & Security

Misty Odom
Military Operations
Gender-based Violence

Greg Ingram
Strategic Communications

Zainab Shakir
Women, Youth & Civil Society

Shelia Scanlon
Gender Integration
Military Operations

Dana Eyre
Conflict Transformation

Julie Leftwich
Women, Peace & Security
Human Rights